Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Is there any red pottage in “your world” ….?!!

It was written that Esau “despised his birthright”, just for a pottage of lentils. Esau was sure hungry but not to the point of death as he claimed to Jacob. (Genesis 25:29-34).

Esau could have waited and ate what his mother would have prepared for him.

When Esau saw the red pottage, the color of it overcame him so that he craved for the same red pottage. He craved to the point that he sold off his birthright without realizing what he was doing. He lightly esteemed it when it was of utmost importance. He gave up his GOD given privilege for flesh related element.

That’s why the Holy Spirit has used the word “despised”. Esau despised his birthright because he craved/ loved the red pottage more than his birthright.

This is written not to just ponder upon the foolishness of Esau, it is also written for everyone who read and hears about this. This is written so that everyone would realize how they also have despised or are despising the more important privileges and blessings of the LORD for the less important ones or for those of the world or of the flesh.

-Check your priorities – 

-Check your responsibilities –

The priorities are all set and written in the “Word of GOD”. GOD need not come down to tell each and every person what to do and what not to do. The priorities never change according to situations and according to persons. GOD equips everyone properly to align accordingly to the priorities. It is “we” who search out reasons to go after other things other than GOD set priorities. . When we align with GOD’S Word, it is GOD who will direct us and take up our responsibility.

Eventually, Jacob became Israel instead of Esau.

Aligning with the “Word of GOD” walks us into our GOD set destiny and GOD set blessings. 

It’s never too late. We tend to delay our blessings without realizing that it is not GOD who is delaying. Align with GOD’s priorities and be blessed, amen.

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