Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Power of Prosperity Seed - Is Tithing and Lending same ?

Most of the Christians today are living in financial problems. Faith in GOD is the key thing to every problem.  A faith without proof is a faith without root. Faith is what we see them visible those things that are invisible, what we call those which are not there.

Everything has some rules in the creation of GOD. Even GOD showed HIS faith in HIS word by calling everything out of nothing and created earth and everything in that by HIS word.

Hebrews 10: 34-36

The people here have seen the harvest first, believed in that and sowed in that. They would reap bountifully - is what they trusted.

It requires courage to sow or give to the kingdom of GOD. There is fear in the minds of people to give to GOD which means there is a doubt in the minds of people. But we get rewarded when we give to GOD with guts. When we give with guts, GOD sees the faith in us.

Mathew 6: 20

In doing so, we are treasuring up our wealth (storing our treasures), in the kingdom of GOD where there is neither moth nor rust.

Hebrews 11: 1-3

Giving to GOD is a proof of the existence of GOD. GOD can bless us even if we stay in the desert. The blessing is within us, when we connect to GOD in the right way. Every blessing is in the word of GOD.

Luke 17: 21

We need to have patience after we give to GOD. We need to patiently ‘maintain’ our blessing.

Ecclesiastes 11: 1

Faith will search us when we are in need and we receive what we have waited for.

Ecclesiastes 11: 3-4

People having faith in the world economic system, can neither sow nor reap in the kingdom of GOD. The world’s system cannot generate faith in any person.

Ecclesiastes 11: 5-6

A faith person knows not how the work is executed or done, he only sees the end result.
A person without faith, if still he sows cannot reap.

Proverbs 19: 17

Giving to the poor is like lending to the LORD. A person who lends will get back the amount penny to penny and not more than that. But giving to the LORD is like storing up our treasures which will be given to us abundantly overflowing.

We will see the difference between giving to the LORD and giving to the poor. Both are important but giving to the poor is not same as giving to the LORD, because we honor our LORD, we give thanks to HIM for all that, HE gave us, and all that HE is going to give. It is showing our trust in HIM.

When we do not lend to the poor and needy, it is like closing our eyes - not to see them.

Proverbs 28: 27

Giving to the LORD
Giving to the poor
Luke 6: 38
Proverbs 19: 17

Mathew 19: 29
Proverbs 28: 27

Proverbs 11: 24

When we give more, we gain, in fact we gain much. When we give less than what should be given, we lose, in fact we lose much. We come to loss.

Proverbs is written by none other than Solomon the wisest man on earth, who by the wisdom of GOD given to him by GOD wrote many such hidden truths.

GOD goes by rules and regulations. If GOD still gives to a person who gives less to GOD, satan enters saying to GOD that HE had not kept HIS word, and so not eligible to sit and rule. GOD cannot go against HIS word.

JESUS always said and is saying – Come to me and I will give you rest. We should always follow the style of JESUS. We should always ask how much do you want?
When we give tithing, GOD rebukes the moth that eats away our harvest.

Psalms 41: 1-3

JESUS is saying that our righteousness should exceed that of those who are still under law.
Mathew 5: 20
So a 10% tithing and minimum 2% offerings (or more) would at least exceed that of those under law. So at least 12% should go out from our bags.

Finally we should let GOD be GOD; we should not compromise on anything for GOD or fill the place of GOD for anyone. We should always give what belongs to GOD.
So we should make sure that our first fruit goes to GOD every month in the very beginning (this is the proof that we honor HIM with our first fruits and that we have separated for the LORD before anything else). Say I do, amen.

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