Friday, December 19, 2014

Why do we need JESUS…?!? Why does the world need JESUS…?!?

The story of man and the purpose of his creation beautifully explained…for all those who wanted to know the story, here it is….

(1)             Inferiority of earth because of fallen angels
(2)          Creation of ‘Man’
(3)           The temptation and fall of man
(4)          Entry of JESUS the HERO (SAVIOR) of this world
(5)           Return of JESUS CHRIST to establish righteous kingdom on Earth
(6)          No need of sacrifice of JESUS, if there is no hell

Inferiority of earth because of fallen angels:

1.      GOD created angels even before creating man, to serve and worship HIM, to sing praises to HIM and glorify HIM for all HIS mighty works. There are so many wonderful and mysterious things out there in the outer space which are unknown to man.
2.    Of these angels, there were special angels with special and unique powers for special tasks.
3.    Angels were directly created by GOD and made with “will power” so that they have the ability to choose. They were created for ministering and for serving GOD.
4.    An angel called Lucifer was one among the created who is an anointed Cherub (special name given to covering angels), created beautifully, bestowed with wisdom, arrayed with all precious stones, and given special singing talent for worshipping and praising GOD. But after a time, he suddenly started feeling proud of himself, proud of his beauty and greed built up in him, so he desired selfishly and had an evil thought why he shouldn’t be praised and worshipped, why he shouldn’t possess the throne of the MOST HIGH GOD so that he can get all the worship, he can get all the praise, he can get all the dominion.
5.    Though Lucifer is superior and talented above many other angels, GOD used to have one to one relationship with each and every angel and every angel worshipped GOD directly.
6.    Lucifer thought it deserved worship; he wanted others to worship him. He forgot his very purpose of being created; felt exalted about his powers given to him by his creator, and foolishly rebelled against his Creator, the MOST HIGH GOD.
7.    He fueled other angels also and led them to rebel against their Creator – so 1/3 rd of heaven’s angels rebelled against GOD.
8.    This is because Lucifer wanted to be a god and he instigated others also that they can be gods. They foolishly believed him.
9.    There was a battle, Lucifer and the angels which submitted to Lucifer were defeated by other angels, thrown down, lost their estate of heaven and fell (thrown down) to earth.
10.                       There is no repentance in Lucifer but only revenge. His heart was hardened because of pride so much that he did not perceive or realize that he is acting and thinking wrongly.
11.   GOD did not take back the power from Lucifer. GOD doesn’t repent for any gifts that HE gives to anyone so HE never takes them back. So GOD did not take back the powers from Lucifer and the other angels that fell.
12.GOD wanted to teach Lucifer a lesson before judging him and throwing him in the eternal Lake of Fire reserved for him and other fallen angels.
13. HE (GOD) planned to create man in HIS own image. HE planned such that man would be created with less power than angels and then HE would use man to show Lucifer, that man with GOD’S power can trample Lucifer under his feet, because of man’s obedience to GOD.
14.GOD also wanted to show Lucifer that man will depend upon his Creator and worship HIM, even when there are hardships in man’s life. At the same time man will also be tested for his integrity.
15. HE sketched a plan – in which man will be placed in the same place where Lucifer is fallen, and Lucifer will surely play with man because he will be jealous of the creation of GOD, he cannot see anyone enjoying the goodness of GOD and the good things from GOD – so he will deceive man and make him also rebel against GOD, so that man will also be condemned for eternal punishment of fire – just like him.
16.But GOD had already devised an escape strategy for man by sacrificing JESUS to atone for the fallen/ sinful nature of man, even before man was created, so that man, though he falls in sin, can get reconciled with GOD again and man can enjoy the eternal bliss and happiness of being with GOD (FATHER), and enjoy the heavenly blessings and a beautiful life.
17. JESUS is FATHER’S love for mankind – HE is made a separate person of GOD’s divinity– with distinct qualities and nature of GODSHIP. JESUS is one with GOD, one in GOD, one of GOD separated for man’s sake – come down to show GOD’S love in body form in flesh and bones.
18. So GOD planned in such a way that JESUS in GOD’S time would come down and atone for the sins of man so that whoever believes in HIM that HE came from GOD, and that HE came to restore man HIS original glory given by GOD from his fallen state, will be saved from condemnation and will be granted access to eternal bliss and connection with GOD and HIS kingdom.
19.Man is a Spirit being (with a distinct character and will power, able to think, judge and understand) covered with external body made of mud. There is no eternal death for the Spirit – Spirit once it is released from man by physical death has to return to GOD – either for eternal punishment or eternal life and blessing. 

Creation of ‘Man’:
20.                     In the beginning GOD created man in HIS own image, with HIS likeness meaning GOD’s character and purity.
21.  GOD loved man even before he was created.
22.                      Before creating man, GOD loved man. GOD wanted to make man happy, wanted to see joy in man’s eyes, so GOD for man’s pleasure created the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the nature, the animals, the birds, the fish, the trees, the rain, the hills, the meadows and the woods.
23.                      So GOD, in HIS manifold glory and wisdom, created the sun and moon to give light, stars to give joy in the darkness – to remind man of GOD that GOD is overseeing him (looking after him even in the darkness), for seasons and times.
24.                      GOD created animals, birds, and fish for the pleasure of man.
25.                      GOD created trees to yield fruit for man to eat.
26.                      GOD created beautiful flowers and plants, beautiful places for man’s pleasure.
27.                      GOD completed all creation so as to present it to ‘man’ whom HE created later.
28.                      Everything that GOD created – HE created “FOR” man, for man’s pleasure and never the reverse (or) never is that man created for the sake of Sun or the Moon or the Stars or any animal or any bird or any tree or any other creation. In other words, man is not created to praise or worship any of GOD’s creation, but man is created to praise and worship his Creator – FATHER, THE MOST HIGH GOD for HIS manifold works and HIS love.
29.                      So sun, moon and stars; animals, birds and fish; then trees, fruits and flowers; are all created FOR man – for his pleasure. So man is above all these – superior to all these. Those which are created for his sake cannot supersede him or become superior to him in any form or way.
30.                     So GOD created man in HIS own image, here is the special thing about man – if anyone sees man – man will remind GOD – man will define the similarity of how GOD looks – man will remind everyone about the Creator how HE is, because man is made in GOD’s image.
31. And GOD made man for HIS pleasure to have relationship with man.
32.                      GOD gave man dominion over the entire creation that GOD created for man.
33.                       Man gave names to all kinds of animals and birds and whatever man called them, those were their names.
34.                      Man is Man and Woman. Man was created with GOD’s own hands – and then life was blown into man’s nostrils and he became living being. Woman is formed by separating her from Man by putting Man to sleep and forming Woman from his side rib, a suitable helper to man – not taken from head otherwise woman may feel superior, not taken from feet otherwise man may feel superior, but taken from the side rib of man to tell him that she is neither inferior nor superior to him but suitable – equal – best fitting to him – so that man called her – bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
35.                       The first Man is called Adam and the first Woman is called Eve.
36.                      So this is the story of man that is a special creation of GOD – for whose sake GOD created animals, birds and fish.
37.                       In the beginning animals and birds were not killing each other – they were eating the green plants for food.

The temptation and fall of man:

38.                       GOD created Adam and started human race.
39.                      As per the plan of GOD devil started his work to overthrow man by leading him into sin. When satan looked at man that GOD created, he was full of envy, full of wrath, full of jealousy because man reminded him of GOD – the MOST HIGH GOD.
40.                     Meanwhile Lucifer tempted Eve telling her to eat the fruit forbidden by GOD – saying that nothing will happen as GOD said would happen (some punishment), her eyes will be opened and she will be like god knowing good and evil, the same strategy that he used with other angels.
41.Eve yielded and ate the fruit, gave some to Adam – and the result of their disobedience to GOD – they lose their connection with GOD, they get driven out of the beautiful garden and they get cursed for their sin. Moreover, their eyes are opened and they could sense that they are naked. Earlier they were covered in glory so that they couldn’t see their nakedness.
42.                      This Lucifer is called devil (spirit of evil) or satan (adversary).
43.                      From then, satan grabbed the opportunity and usurped pseudo authority over man. Man lost his dominion over earth. Since man yielded to satan, satan made himself god to him, god over this earth by influencing him through his thoughts.
44.                      Satan along with fallen angels copied GOD in everything and showed himself similar to GOD in everything and gradually made man forget/ unable to recognize his creator.
45.                      To restore man’s glory to him again – someone in flesh who hasn’t been charged with sin of any sort, who can bear punishment and death, has to be found. But since sin is carried in generations because of one first man Adam through blood, no one can qualify as pure and blameless to be able to be sacrificed, though he lives a holy life. Still sin exists in his blood, in his DNA; his sacrifice cannot atone for the sins of this world.
46.                      Sin entered this world by one man; sin can be removed by the righteous sacrifice of one man who doesn’t carry the sin of Adam.
47.                      What Lucifer lost – he doesn’t want/ like to see anyone else to get – the joy of being with GOD. This is Lucifer – this is his character – for that he will do anything to deceive man – fondle him as if to show that he cares for him, but ultimately destroy him by making him sin against GOD – that is his strategy.
48.                      He deceived man by telling him everything almost similar to what GOD would say, similar to GOD’S principles but is never the same. It was twisted. Satan copied GOD, he imitated GOD in everything. Satan always twisted the truth.
49.                      He also has power to do miracles, to heal BUT there was a line which he cannot cross. Where GOD involves, he recedes. Power over death is in the hands of GOD only; satan has no power in this area.
50.                     Sin separates man from GOD; the wages of sin is death – a state of eternal separation from GOD – where there is only torture and torment in fire as punishment for falling away from GOD’S character.
51. Man has to bear his own punishment for sin – which is death – but GOD in HIS eternal love arranged a temporary way to atone man’s sins – by way of sacrificing animals and birds (clean, healthy without any blemishes or spots) as guided by GOD – for the atonement of sins of man. Life for Life. But this couldn’t change the sinful nature of man – it couldn’t atone for the sin committed in his heart – it couldn’t transform a man – it couldn’t make him holy, it couldn’t make him righteous, it couldn’t make him pure.
52.                      It required something more, sacrifice which wouldn’t carry any sin in itself either physically or internally in heart – which can change the very nature of man – and atone for man and his character in his entirety.

Entry of JESUS the HERO (SAVIOR) of this world:

53.                       JESUS comes down to be born of a virgin, keeping aside HIS entire divinity, HIS GODSHIP, and is conceived in the virgin womb of Mary by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT (SPIRIT OF GOD). To humble oneself thus requires great guts – because JESUS is full of glory, full of wisdom, full of life, full of righteousness, full of holiness, full of powers, full of authority, full of majesty, full of prosperity, full of royalty, full of divinity.  Keeping aside all these for a while – HE has to come down as a servant who is going to be used for a purpose. Moreover, HE will have to bear the filthy sin of the world; will be tortured and put to death; will be separated from HIS FATHER for a while and bear HIS wrath. HE HIMSELF being GOD knew how terrible the wrath of GOD would be. What a tragic transformation HE has to undergo. THE CREATOR came down to bear the sin of HIS creation – who can understand this GREAT GOD’S demonstration of love for mankind! That is why GOD stated that the message of cross is foolishness to those who do not believe and that GOD chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong. (1 Corinthians 1: 18,19; 27,28)
54.                      Now the cycle is broken, JESUS is not born in a natural way. The sinful DNA is not carried into HIM. HE leads a sinless life by submitting HIMSELF to the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, HE then declares to the world that HE is the Messiah that the world is waiting for, and there is no other way to be saved except to believe on HIM.
55.                       So JESUS sacrifices HIMSELF on the cross atoning for the sins of this world and after JESUS completed HIS mission to earth, HE rose again on the third day with HIS own body, as HE has been telling everyone. HE ascended into heaven to present HIS crucified body as a testimony before HIS FATHER and before everyone. HE returned to heaven to be joined with HIS FATHER again, and FATHER made HIM sit on the right side of HIS throne and gave HIM glory which JESUS earlier had and gave dominion over everything for ever.
56.                      When someone believes in JESUS, the same HOLY SPIRIT who helped JESUS do miracles, heal many, raise the dead, win over the cross and rise again, will come and reside with the person to help him get over sin, live holy life, do miracles, gain dominion over every lost thing, and even upon satan and the last enemy death.
57.                       JESUS also while departing promised HIS disciples about the same, that the COMFORTER – THE HOLY SPIRIT will come and comfort them, will guide them; fill the gap in HIS physical absence.
58.                       Just as the whole sin of the world is laid on JESUS, the righteousness of JESUS is imputed to the person who accepts JESUS, who believes the truth. And then, no one or no creature in this world or heaven has any power to blame or accuse this person of any sin anymore. The person is called and considered righteous – declared by GOD HIMSELF because of HIS beloved SON’s sacrifice.
59.                      Since the HOLY SPIRIT comes and dwells inside a person who accepted JESUS, the person will be called ‘Holy’.
60.                     The person is now endowed with power and authority – because the HOLY SPIRIT resides in him.
61.Just like JESUS called HIS FATHER as FATHER, we will be given authorization, eligibility and power to call our Heavenly GOD who created us as ‘FATHER’. What a great privilege to call our GOD as ‘DADDY’…!
62.                      There is no more fear now to approach GOD as HE is our loving FATHER now. There is Father – Son relationship now which gives us freedom, and no more Master - Slave relationship which would otherwise bind us forever.
63.                      Whatever the person asks in JESUS name that will be granted.
64.                      Devils tremble and sicknesses flee at the mention of name of JESUS, because the person now is aware of his position in this Universe.
65.                      Satan on the other hand realizing that his time is short is working in full force and energy.
66.                      To an extent devil has deceived people – even Christians that their heart is not able to receive this truth, they are hearing, they are reading the word of GOD, but still they are worrying about their sins, their sinful lives.
67.                      People who accepted JESUS are trying to come out of their sin by themselves, by their own will power, by their self-righteousness, without acknowledging or giving authority to the HOLY SPIRIT to control their lives and to give them power over sin and other weaknesses. Self righteousness is dangerous and gives way to pride and condemns others also about many things–even those who have been made perfect by the blood of JESUS, Like wise too much humility and self condemnation also is dangerous as it leads to blindness to truth, and doesn’t let the person see the glorious plan of GOD in one’s life.
68.                      Many Christians are still in the state of pleading GOD to forgive their sins – not able to comprehend the truth that their sins are forgiven and only need to move forward with a prayer to GOD to help them conquer sin and satan in all areas – sickness, poverty, worry, fear, pain, trouble, etc. and the last enemy death.
69.                      The resurrection power of JESUS is alive and active to resurrect even the dead body to life if one believes and asks for it to happen.
70.                     GOD has forgiven sins of everyone in this world, starting from first Adam, till now, and even those in the future. So Christians are not supposed to judge anyone – be it another Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, any one of any faith, even a terrorist. Because GOD is the final judge of all. A terrorist is brainwashed and barbaric faith is pounded into the person’s mind from his childhood and that is why, the person becomes so hard hearted he fails to have feelings and emotions. But JESUS loves to see the person change, HE is standing at the door of his heart knocking so that if he opens he can go inside and re-transform the stone heart into flesh.
71. GOD already forgave everyone but that will become prevalent in a person’s life, that will be established in a person’s life, only when the person acknowledges JESUS as his/ her personal savior and that HE is the messiah of this world come down from the FATHER – this is just like a father who writes a will to his son long ago – but that will come into effect only when the son recognizes his father and acknowledges that the will is written for him – and that he is the rightful inheritor.

Return of JESUS CHRIST to establish righteous kingdom on Earth:

72.                      JESUS came earlier as the sacrificial lamb to this world – to help man connect with GOD again – to reconcile fallen, sinful man to holy, righteous and loving GOD.
73.                       Now as a follower, believer of CHRIST, one becomes the child of GOD, JESUS being the eldest brother. Since JESUS took HIS crucified body to heaven to present it to the FATHER, JESUS is also our HIGH PRIEST. HE is always pleading on our behalf.
74.                      And since JESUS conquered sin and death, conquered the fallen state of man through HIS sacrifice, HE is now bestowed and crowned the rightful KING – KING of this world who is coming.
75.                       JESUS in HIS appointed time, of which, only the HEAVENLY FATHER knows, will return to earth to establish HIS Kingdom in righteousness and truth, then every person starting from Adam will have judgment - some to eternal glory and some to eternal damnation and shame. But those who have accepted JESUS will not enter into judgment as they are already made righteous. The same time satan and its follower angels will also be judged and thrown into the eternal lake of fire which was already prepared for them. The people who accepted JESUS will also sit with JESUS when HE rules this world – the most amazing truth.

No need of sacrifice of JESUS, if there is no hell

76.                      As many wonder if there is hell at all or not, for them, hell is real. If hell is not real, JESUS would not have to die such a painful and agonizing death, FATHER would not have to sacrifice HIS SON to suffer so horribly on the cross. If hell is not real, then there is no need to pay any penalty. Both FATHER and SON paid for the salvation of man in an indescribably ‘never-be-able-to-understand’ love, which is their free gift to mankind.
77.                       If anyone considers this as cheap, do not consider the sacrifice of the SON nor recognize the greatest love of the FATHER, rejects the good news, the person has to pay heavily when he comes face to face with hell. After going to hell, there is no chance to get out. But when there is still hope and when still there is life, one can avoid going to hell by accepting JESUS as their personal savior.
78.                       The good news has to be continued, when one gets saved, the person should be grateful to the FATHER and JESUS, he/ she should share the greatest blessing happened to them so that one more soul gets saved from going to hell. Then only one can give happiness to FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT – all three are one.

May GOD bless these words and use them for HIS glory, glory be to heavenly FATHER, JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT, Amen.

One has to read the Bible to know these, to understand these that are written here, and for those who are ‘believers’/ Christians, if references are required, please leave a comment so that I will provide, thank you.

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